jueves, abril 14, 2005

Adding injury to insult...

The little finger in my left hand is in pain. And I am not alone. Playing too much GT4 will cause various sorts of physical damage, strained tendons (my case), sore thumbs, involuntary eye twitching, etc, be it with the DSC or the DFP, not to mention the psychological damage caused by the too frequent restarts when hotlaping in Nurburgring (BTW, it's 7:30 with a BMW M5, medium sport tires, manual shifting and no driving assists whatsoever).

Worst of all is that I haven't played so much lately... aging.. agh!


In the oily world things are starting to get out of hand... masks are falling, PO is becoming more mainstream with each passing day. Big new oil projects, the so called "mega projects" that will come on stream from here to 2010 won' t cover projected demand, daunting reports, from Goldman Sachs, the IEA, the Bank of Montreal on Saudi Arabia...

And next week I am going to give two presentations to second graders about the multimedia industry, and how to become a game developer. Crazy.